Friday, November 6, 2020

Report Cards

First Quarter Report Cards 
Sent home on November 12th for all students in grades K-8. Students who are remotely learning will have their report card 
e-mailed to them through their e-mail.
There is no PreK report card at this quarter.
Zoom meetings will occur for Parent Teacher Conferences on 
Friday November 13th from 1:00 PM - 6:00PM.
Parents will be requested to e-mail their child's teacher and the teacher will set up the available time for the Zoom meeting. 
Zoom meetings will be set for 10 minutes each to 
accommodate all parents.
Parents can begin the conversation via e-mail beforehand by checking their child's Educate grades. 

As a reminder Tuition must be up to date to receive the report card and to be part of the Parent Teacher Conference.